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Injury Rehabilitation & Prevention in St. Albert

Our physiotherapists are used to addressing a variety of problems from car accidents to sports injuries; trust our physiotherapists to help you feel better fast.

After over 35 years of providing physiotherapy to clients in St. Albert, Edmonton and surrounding areas (even as far away as Barrhead, Stony Plain and Legal!), we’ve seen all types of injuries! 

Cropped image of doctor examining patients arm after rehabilitation

Our method of injury rehabilitation addresses a huge variety of problems, from car accident injuries and whiplash to vertigo, slipped or herniated discs, knee replacements, hip replacements, sports injuries, and much more.

What is injury rehabilitation?

Injury rehabilitation is a safe, effective treatment for all kinds of injuries. Injury rehabilitation is similar to physiotherapy, however, it can involve other forms of treatments like massage therapy and acupuncture, rather than just physiotherapy.

For example, a person receiving multiple therapeutic treatments, customized to treat their unique injury, will help to heal an injury better, and faster, than with a single treatment. Injury rehabilitation can also include other health care professionals, including podiatrists/orthotists, psychologists, and dieticians.

Types Of Injury We Can Treat

Our physiotherapists are trained to treat all kinds of injuries including:

Unsure if physiotherapy can treat your injury? Contact us today to book a consultation — remember, you don’t need a referral from a doctor to book a physiotherapy appointment with us!

Injury Rehabilitation Treatment Options

A variety of treatment approaches can be used to get you back on track as quickly as possible after a minor, serious, or post-surgical injury. After examining the affected areas and understanding the causes of your injury, our physiotherapists will create a customized treatment plan that may include any of the following techniques:

Book an appointment with us today to get the treatment you need to heal your injury.

Work with Our Experts in Injury Rehabilitation & Prevention

Not sure which member of our team to work with? We can help! Contact our clinic today.

Frequently asked questions

What are the most common injuries?

At our clinic, the majority of injuries we see and treat are back, neck, and shoulder injuries.

However, our physiotherapists are experienced to treat all kinds — if you’re dealing with an injury, book an appointment online today!

When should I go for physio after an injury?

In general, the sooner you go to physio for your injury, the better. However, it depends on the severity. If your injury is affecting your quality of life or ability to work then come in right away! If it’s an injury that’s not too bad, then a person can afford to wait 5-7 days to see if it heals on its own.

A person can always come to see us sooner than later, no matter how bad. There’s always something that we can do to help and there’s always a benefit to coming to see us.

How can I speed up injury recovery?

To speed up your injury recovery, we recommend seeking professional help — book an appointment with one of our physiotherapists! We’ll assess and diagnose your injury accurately and get you started with the most effective exercises, stretches, and many of the other treatment techniques that we offer.

We also recommend that you keep moving and stay active, but don’t do anything that aggravates it or causes the pain to be reproduced (especially if it’s a new injury). Use heat for older injuries and ice for newer injuries, you may also need to use a brace or some sort of supportive wear if it’s a newer injury or if you are just returning to your sport of choice.

What is the difference between acute injuries and chronic injuries?

An acute injury is normally pain that comes on suddenly and is often a direct cause of something, such as a fall, impact or over-use. An injury is considered acute if it happened recently; the pain shouldn’t last longer than six weeks.

Chronic pain, however, is pain that lasts longer than three months and is ongoing. It usually affects a person’s day-to-day activities.

What is the difference between rehabilitation and physiotherapy?

Rehabilitation involves helping to heal an injury as fast as possible and having the individual return to normal functioning as soon as possible. Whereas physiotherapy and many other fields can be a part of that rehabilitation.

What is injury prevention?

Injury prevention is essentially taking steps to avoid injury with proper:

  • Mental preparation (e.g. in sports)
  • Equipment (e.g sports, work, snow tires in winter driving, proper workstation set up)
  • Use of equipment (e.g. not using a rolling stool as a step ladder, proper lifting techniques, proper technique when swinging a golf club, etc)
  • Warm-ups if participating in a sport or activity
  • Environmental conditions (e.g. weather, field conditions, etc)
  • Physical fitness (e.g. strength training, having appropriate flexibility, or stretching)

At Summit Physiotherapy & Massage Therapy, we offer strength and stretching programs as well as workplace ergonomic education to help you prevent injury — book an appointment today!

Do you offer physiotherapy for post-surgical rehabilitation?

Yes, we most definitely offer physiotherapy for post-surgical rehabilitation. Post-surgical physiotherapy is extremely important in restoring your ability to function and getting you back to your activities and hobbies as quickly and fully as possible.

Are you ready to heal your injury — fast?

Book an appointment with us today. We’ll complete a detailed assessment of your injury and work together to develop a customized treatment plan so you can start feeling better — fast.

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