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How To Avoid Back Pain While Camping

When summer finally arrives, many of us are eager to load up the car and escape from the city. A weekend in the great outdoors can be just the thing to de-stress and enjoy time with loved ones.

Unfortunately, roughing it can be hard on the body. Sleeping in a tent without a proper bed or sitting in a canvas camping chair can bring on aches and pains, as can hauling heavy gear in and out of the car. Folks who enjoy hiking, climbing, and similar pursuits can experience muscle soreness or even strains or sprains.

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How To Safely Work Out At The Gym After The COVID-19 Lockdown

Gyms are reopening and fitness fans are cautious, but excited nonetheless! However, your workout routine at home may not have looked the same as your routine at the gym. Our physiotherapists are here to answer all your questions about returning to the gym safely — without injury.

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How To Improve Your Posture For Better Health

Updated: February 2022

Many of us may suffer from sore muscles, back and shoulder pain, or even a stiff neck even though our daily lives aren’t physically demanding. The culprit is often bad posture, a side effect of spending a lot of time at a desk or glancing down at your mobile device throughout the day.

Woman at desk with sore neck

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6 Common Winter Injuries In Alberta & How To Avoid Them

Updated: December 11, 2023

When winter blankets Alberta in snow and ice, many of us are eager to hit the slopes or go skating at the neighbourhood outdoor rink. Even those who are not winter sports enthusiasts will still spend a good amount of time outdoors shoveling snow from sidewalks or driveways and enjoying winter activities. Unfortunately, the snow and ice that come with Alberta winters can result in some additional hazards.

We outline some of the top winter injuries and tips on how to avoid them so you can enjoy the season injury-free!

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