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Navigating the Road to Recovery After a Car Accident

Getting into a car accident can be a traumatic and overwhelming experience. In the aftermath, it’s important to focus on your physical and mental recovery in order to get back to your normal routine. As physio and massage therapists, we’ve worked with many patients who have been injured in car accidents and have seen firsthand the importance of a comprehensive recovery plan.

Rear view of a woman in an orange sweater standing outside a blue car after an accident, holding her neck in pain while looking at the damaged vehicle behind her. Smoke rises from the collision, indicating the severity of the impact.

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What Should I Wear To My Physiotherapy Appointment?

We’ve all had this feeling at one point in time, the anxiety of deciding what we should wear to a certain event, date, and yes, even a physiotherapy appointment! Deciding what to wear to physio can seem confusing, especially if it’s your first appointment. That’s why our team of registered …

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Golfer’s Elbow: Causes, Treatments, & Prevention Tips

Golf season is in full swing and if you’ve been teeing off regularly, you may find yourself experiencing discomfort in your elbows — but don’t worry! Golfer’s elbow is a common problem that many golfers encounter. With a little dedication and proactive measures, you can effectively alleviate the pain and …

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Ultimate Guide On How To Relieve Back Pain At Home

Updated: November 14, 2022

When back pain hits, many of us gravitate to our couches thinking that we’ll feel better if we take it easy. However, a growing body of research shows that exercise, not rest, is the best medicine for chronic back pain.

Back pain is one of the most common reasons that people between the ages of 30 and 50 visit a doctor, or take time off work. With statistics like that, it seems like back pain is an inevitable part of adulthood, but it doesn’t have to be. Managing lower back pain is possible with regular exercise, stretching, healthy eating — and when needed, a trip to the physiotherapist.

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How To Prevent A Skiing Injury For A Safe Ski Season

The temperature has dropped, the snow has found its new home on the lawn and all the mountains have begun spamming your inbox with delightful offers. It’s time to start getting ready for the ski and snowboard season again. Getting lost in the excitement of the first day gliding on white, fluffy, glorious, shimmery snow is no excuse for a week of sore muscles afterwards.

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Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy St. Albert

We all need to be thinking about our pelvic floors. That statement might raise a couple of questions: What exactly is a pelvic floor? Why would I need to think about it? When most of us think of pelvic health and associated issues like incontinence, we consider them inevitable and …

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Wake Up Without Pain: How To Get Rid Of Neck Pain After a Bad Night’s Sleep

Updated: April 2023

As you reach over to turn off your alarm clock, you feel it immediately: sharp pain shooting down your neck. It’s a common ailment that most of us experience, but the discomfort can make it difficult to get through the day. It can make it difficult to turn your head, sit or stand for long periods of time, and even impact your ability to concentrate. Additionally, neck pain can lead to headaches, shoulder pain, and other related issues.

Fortunately, there are several ways to alleviate neck pain and prevent it from occurring in the first place — including investing in a good pillow and ergonomic chair, doing stretches and when needed, a trip to the physiotherapist!


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Can Physiotherapy Be An Alternative To Pain Medication?

Updated: December 6, 2022

Clients often complain of neck and low back pain, as well as other musculoskeletal disorders — like carpal tunnel syndrome and osteoarthritis — which can involve the muscles, ligaments, nerves, or tendons of the body.

Many of them don’t think twice when reaching for pain medication, but these pills are not a cure-all. Although pain-relieving pharmaceutical treatments provide some short-term relief, they don’t address the underlying causes of pain, and many come with health risks.

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